BlueTack Training [Coming soon]
A new year, a new range of services. In early 2022 BlueTack is planning to launch their training product, keep an eye on our page in in the next few weeks! #BlueTack, #incidentmanagement, #training, #salvage
A new year, a new range of services. In early 2022 BlueTack is planning to launch their training product, keep an eye on our page in in the next few weeks! #BlueTack, #incidentmanagement, #training, #salvage
Bridge Maritime Ltd. is part of the BlueTack alliance, we are very proud to have Neil Scott-Williams and his team as part of our global response capability. #BlueTack, #incidentmanagement, #salvage, #alliance, #bridgemaritime
BlueTack was very happy to support Tsavliris Salvage with the grounding of a vessel in the Indian Ocean mid-August 2021. The vessel was successfully refloated after approximately 10 days. BlueTack personnel were on site to assist with the operation. Another successful Emergency Response salvage case with theinvolvement of BlueTack. #incidentmanagement #marinesalvage #bluetack
BlueTack joins Safety Port of Rotterdam [SPoR] BlueTack continues spreading its wings by partnering with key marine stakeholders acting in the field of incident management. We have this year successfully joined Safety Port of Rotterdam [SPoR] a cooperation between key marine players being STC-KNRM, Artemas, Deltalinqs, Gezamelijk Brandweer (GB), Ascent and STC Group. SPoR focuses on marine training & HSEQ, with the common goal by all players to jointly create… Read More »BlueTack joins Safety Port of Rotterdam [SPoR]
BlueTack started its journey in 2020 with the aim in becoming a sustainable maritime services company focusing on Incident Management & Pollution Remediation. Since then month by month we have been developing our capability and till date have been engaged in several salvage cases. BlueTack is a cooperative and together with its members and its alliance partners we ensure our readiness in order to respond to potential contracts globally being… Read More »Join The Cooperative
The journey continues… BlueTack was very happy to support our partner Ardentia Marine during the bidding & execution stage concerning the wreck removal of the NAZMIYE ANA after capsizing in the port of Castellón in Spain end of May 2021. This first wreck removal project since our inception has proved our focus on cooperation and adding value by our team of specialists. Thank you all @Ardentia Marine! #nazmiyeana #emergencymanagement #wreckremoval… Read More »Wreck Removal NAZMIYE ANA